2014年5月9日 星期五

Fortigate 硬體檢測 HQIP

摘錄自 http://www.huagai.com/technology.aspx?UID=348&SortID=0&key=

Fortigate-100A3.00,build0474,061228    技術部   王俊                      2007-12-7

前期準備:首先下載思科TFTP服務器模擬器 地址:http://www.onlinedown.net/soft/33433.htm
然後去http://emea.fortinet.net/fortinet/aht/  去下載做HQIP所需的文件 註:文件後綴名*.img


標題欄的地址是192.168.1.96 這個地址是本機的地方 即:把基本模擬成TFTP服務器 這個地址要是192.168.1.0網段 即和FORTIGATE的內網口地址一個網段,先把它晾這裡。



這裡選COM 1口





在選擇R的同時用交叉線把所有接口一對一連起來 以FORTIGATE 100A為例
FortiGate-100A:    INTERNAL
                [4] [3] [2] [1] [DMZ2] [DMZ1] [WAN2] [WAN1]
                 +   +   +   +    +      +      +      +
                 |   |   |   +----+      |      |      |
                 |   |   +---------------+      |      |
                 |   +--------------------------+      |
http://emea.fortinet.net/fortinet/aht/  飛塔網站上有各個型號的不同接法供參考


==============Fortinet Hardware Quick Inspection Report ==================

                      BIOSIntegrity Check:      PASS
                         PCIDevice Check:      PASS
            System Configuration Verification:      PASS
                             Memory Test:      PASS
                                CPU Test:      PASS
                CPU/MEM Performance Test:      PASS
                                USB Test:      FAIL
                     FortiASIC Device Test:      PASS
                                 IDE Test:      PASS
                     Network Controller Test:      PASS

==============Fortinet Hardware Quick Inspection FAILED ==================

USB Testrequires loopback cables.
Failure onthis test may be caused by bad cable or poor connection.
Checkwirings before taking further actions.


 下面是一份完整的 飛塔60  HQIP記錄

TotalRAM: 128MB               
ScanningPCI bus...Done.                       
AllocatingPCI resources...Done.                               
EnablingPCI resources...Done.                             
ZeroingIRQ settings...Done.                           
VerifyingPIRQ tables...Done.                            
Boot up,boot device capacity: 30MB.                                   
Press anykey to display configuration menu...                                             
[G]:  Get firmware image from TFTP server.                                         
[F]:  Format boot device.                        
[Q]:  Quit menu and continue to boot with defaultfirmware.                                                          
[H]:  Display this list of options                               

EnterG,F,Q,or H:                

EnterG,F,Q,or H:                

EnterTFTP server address []:                                                      
Enterlocal address []:                                                
Enterfirmware image file name [image.out]: FG-60-HQIP.img                                                          
Total3876448 bytes data downloaded.                                   
Verifyingthe integrity of the firmware image.                                             

Total28000kB unzipped.                      
Save asDefault firmware/Run image without saving:[D/R]?                                                       
Reading boot image 1970152 bytes.                                 
Initializing   eth0, MAC:00:09:0F:17:5                                    
Initializing   eth1, MAC:00:09:0F:17:57:DA                                         
Initializing   eth2, MAC:00:09:0F:17:57:D9                                         
Initializing   eth3, MAC:00:09:0F:17:57:D8                                         
4interface(s) initialized.                          
NETworkBurn-in Test(netbt) device loaded.                                         

Testprogram loading(61,Build044,May  4 200515:50:22) ...                                                         
Startingtest 61......                     

TestBegin at Thu Oct 25 01:33:53 2007                                      

ModelName:             [FGT-60]                               
Unit BIOSVersion:      [04000000]                                 
UnitFortinet SN:      [FGT-603907503437]                                         
Unit OEMSN:            [FGT-603907503437]                                         
UnitFirst MAC:         [00090f1757d8]                                     

BIOSIntegrity Check PASS.                         

CheckingPCI devices...                      
Lookingfor [0x06011106](VT8601 [Apollo ProMedia]) at 00:00.00 ...Found.                                                                       
Lookingfor [0x86011106](VT8601 [Apollo ProMedia AGP]) at 00:01.00 ...Found.                                                                            
Lookingfor [0x400115BC](FortiASIC CP2) at 00:0D.00 ...                                                      
        No device [0x400115BC](FortiASIC CP2)found at 00:0D.00(0x400510CA).                                                                            

PCIdevices check failed.                        

Gatheringsystem information......                                 

Gatheringsystem information OK!                               

Verifysystem configuartion                          

Verifysystem configuartion PASS                               

1. Systeminformation                    
        model name      : VIA Samuel 2                                     
        CPU number      : 1                           
        CPU MHz         : 400                            
        CPU MIPS        : 799                            
        Compact Flash   : 32MB CompactFlash Card                                               
        size            : 30 MB                              
        Compact Flash   : 32MB CompactFlash Card                                               
        size            : 30 MB                              
        Total Memory    : 125188 KB                                   

        Total 4 net port(s) found.                                 

        internal(eth3) macaddress:      00:09:0F:17:57:D8                                                        
        dmz(eth2) macaddress:   00:09:0F:17:57:D9                                                 
        wan1(eth1) macaddress:  00:09:0F:17:57:DA                                               
        wan2(eth0) macaddress:  00:09:0F:17:57:DB                                                

2. Memorytest             
        Free memory is 88060KB.                              
        Detecting memory(117MB)...      [Done, 63MB will be tested]                                                                   

        STRESS->MEM-> 1.StuckAddress...                                       
        STRESS->MEM-> 1.Stuck AddressPASSED.                                            
        STRESS->MEM-> 2.Random value...                                      
        STRESS->MEM-> 2.Random valuePASSED.                                           
        STRESS->MEM-> 3.XORcomparison...                                        
        STRESS->MEM-> 3.XOR comparison PASSED.                                             
        STRESS->MEM-> 4.SUBcomparison...                                        
        STRESS->MEM-> 4.SUB comparisonPASSED.                                             
        STRESS->MEM-> 5.MULcomparison...                                        
        STRESS->MEM-> 5.MUL comparisonPASSED.                                             
        STRESS->MEM-> 6.DIVcomparison...                                        
        STRESS->MEM-> 6.DIV comparisonPASSED.                                             
        STRESS->MEM-> 7.ORcomparison...                                       
        STRESS->MEM-> 7.OR comparisonPASSED.                                            
        STRESS->MEM-> 8.ANDcomparison...                                        
        STRESS->MEM-> 8.AND comparisonPASSED.                                             
        STRESS->MEM-> 9.SequentialIncrement...                                              
        STRESS->MEM-> 9.SequentialIncrement PASSED.                                                   
        STRESS->MEM-> Round    0 completed in 53 seconds (0 errors).                                                                   

        Release memory done.                           

3. CPUtest OK !               
        Free memory is 87960KB.                              

4. Streamtest             
        Function      Rate (MB/s)   RMS time    Min time     Max time                                                                     
        Copy:          96.6554       0.3311       0.3311       0.3312                                                                    
        Scale:        147.0623       0.2177       0.2176       0.2183                                                                    
        Add:          154.6935       0.3103       0.3103       0.3103                                                                    
       Triad:        132.0655       0.3635       0.3                                                   

5. TestASIC DES Encrypt and Decrypt.                                    
        Open device /dev/fpga0 error:No suchdevice                                                   

6. TestCompact Flash and Harddisk.                                  
        Compact Flash(/dev/hda) Model:32MBCompactFlash Card                                                           
        Testing write/read to compactflash(/dev/hda):                                                     
        Read/write test PASS.Write/Read Rate:    1.35MBPS/    4.17MBPS                                                                       

7. TestUSB ports.                 
        Testing device /dev/ttyusb0 ...                                      
        :FAILED in open device(No suchdevice).                                               
        Testing device /dev/ttyusb1 ...                                      
        :FAILED in open device(No suchdevice).                                              

8. TestNetwork interface controller.                                    
Wire thenetwork ports as follow for NIC loopback test.                                                      
 [4] [3] [2] [1] [DMZ] [WAN1] [WAN2]                                   
  V  +   +   +   +      +      +                                 
      |  |   +----+      |     |                                 
      |  +---------------+      |                                 

Initializing   eth0, MAC:00:09:0F:17:57:DB                                         
Initializing   eth1, MAC:00:09:0F:17:57:DA                                         
Initializing   eth2, MAC:00:09:0F:17:57:D9                                          
Initializing   eth3, MAC:00:09:0F:17:57:                                     
4interface(s) initialized.                          
        Network traffic test between internaland dmz...                                                       
Try tostart netbt device...                           
Interface   eth3 pair: [me 00:09:0F:17:57:D8]     <3>[he 00:09:0F:17:57:D9]                                                                          
Interface   eth2 pair: [me 00:09:0F:17:57:D9]     <3>[he 00:09:0F:17:57:D8]                                                                          
Total 2pairs configurated.                          
NETBTdevice started.                    
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<  64> eth2.tx:    154596     9275760       0                                                       
<  64> eth2.rx:    154596     9275760       0      0  15459      9      0                                                                          
<  64> eth3.tx:    154596     9275760       0      0  15459      9                                                                   
<  64> eth3.rx:    154596     9275760       0      0  15459      9      0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                     
<128> eth2.tx:    136496     16925440       0     0   13649     15                                                                   
<128> eth2.rx:    136496     16925440       0     0   13649     15     0                                                                          
<128> eth3.tx:    136496     16925440       0     0   13649     15                                                                   
<128> eth3.rx:    136496     16925440       0     0   13649     15     0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<256> eth2.tx:    112159     28263940       0     0   11215     23                                                                    
<256> eth2.rx:    112159     28263940       0     0   11215     23     0                                                                          
<256> eth3.tx:    112159     28263940       0     0   11215     23                                                                   
<256> eth3.rx:    112159     28263940       0     0   11215     23     0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<512> eth2.tx:     79733     40504108       0     0    7973     33                                                                   
<512> eth2.rx:     79733     40504108       0     0    7973     33     0                                                                          
<512> eth3.tx:     79733     40504108       0     0    7973     33                                                                   
<512> eth3.rx:     79733     40504108       0     0    7973     33     0                                                                           
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<1024>eth2.tx:     49612     50603728       0     0    4961     40                                                                   
<1024>eth2.rx:     49612     50603728       0     0    4961     40     0                                                                          
<1024>eth3.tx:     49612     50603728       0     0    4961     40                                                                   
<1024>eth3.rx:     49612     50603728       0     0    4961     40     0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<1518>eth2.tx:     35982     54476254       0     0    3598    43                                                                   
<1518>eth2.rx:     35982     54476254       0     0    3598     43     0                                                                          
<1518>eth3.tx:     35982    54476254       0      0   3598     43                                                                   
<1518>eth3.rx:     35982     54476254       0     0    3598     43     0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                     
<  64> eth2.tx:    155166     9311414       0      0  15516      9                                                                   
<  64> eth2.rx:    155145     9310154       0      0  15514      9     0                                                                          
<  64> eth3.tx:    155166     9311414       0      0  15516      9                                                                   
<  64> eth3.rx:    155166     9311414       0      0  15516      9      0                                                                          
Stopnetbt device.                 

        Network traffic test between internaland wan1...                                                         
Try tostart netbt device...                           
Interface   eth3 pair: [me 00:09:0F:17:57:D8]     <3>[he 00:09:0F:17:57:DA]                                                                          
Interface   eth1 pair: [me 00:09:0F:17:57:DA]     <3>[he 00:09:0F:17:57:D8]                                                                          
Total 2pairs configurated.                          
NETBTdevice started.                    
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<  64> eth1.tx:    153289     9197340       0      0  15328      9                                                                   
<  64> eth1.rx:    153289     9197340       0      0  15328      9      0                                                                           
<  64> eth3.tx:    153289     9197340       0      0  15328      9                                                                   
<  64> eth3.rx:    153289     9197340       0      0  15328      9      0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  M bps                                                                    
<128> eth1.tx:    134640     16695296       0     0   13464     15                                                                   
<128> eth1.rx:    134640     16695296       0     0   13464     15     0                                                                          
<128> eth3.tx:    134640     16695296       0     0   13464     15                                                                    
<128> eth3.rx:    134640     16695296       0     0   13464     15     0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<256> eth1.tx:    111890    28196152       0      0  11189     23                                                                   
<256> eth1.rx:    111890     28196152       0     0   11189     23     0                                                                          
<256> eth3.tx:    111890     28196152       0     0   11189     23                                                                   
<256> eth3.rx:    111890     28196152       0     0   11189     23     0                                                                           
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<512> eth1.tx:     80420     40853104       0     0    8042     33                                                                   
<512> eth1.rx:     80420     40853104       0     0    8042     33     0                                                                          
<512> eth3.tx:     80420     40853104       0     0    8042     33                                                                   
<512> eth3.rx:     80420     40853104       0     0    8042     33     0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<1024>eth1.tx:     49572     50562928       0     0    4957     40                                                                   
<1024>eth1.rx:     49572     50562928       0     0    4957     40     0                                                                          
<1024>eth3.tx:     49572     50562928       0     0    4957     40                                                                   
<1024>eth3.rx:     49572     50562928       0     0    4957     40     0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                     
<1518>eth1.tx:     35921     54383900       0     0    3592     43                                                                   
<1518>eth1.rx:     35921     54383900       0     0    3592     43     0                                                                           
<1518>eth3.tx:     35921     54383900       0     0    3592     43                                                                   
<1518>eth3.rx:     35921     54383900       0     0    3592     43     0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  M bps                                                                    
<  64> eth1.tx:    153751     9226514       0      0  15375      9                                                                   
<  64> eth1.rx:    153751     9226514       0      0  15375      9      0                                                                          
<  64> eth3.tx:    153751     9226514       0      0  15375      9                                                                    
<  64> eth3.rx:    153751     9226514       0      0  15375      9      0                                                                          
Stopnetbt device.                 

        Network traffic test between internaland wan2...                                                        
Try tostart netbt device...                           
Interface   eth3 pair: [me 00:09:0F:17:57:D8]     <3>[he 00:09:0F:17:57:DB]                                                                          
Interface   eth0 pair: [me 00:09:0F:17:57:DB]     <3>[he 00:09:0F:17:57:D8]                                                                          
Total 2pairs configurated.                          
NETBTdevice started.                    
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                     
<  64> eth0.tx:    152193     9131580       0      0  15219      9                                                                   
<  64> eth0.rx:    152193     9131580       0      0  15219      9      0                                                                          
<  64> eth3.tx:    152193     9131580       0      0  15219      9                                                                   
<  64> eth3.rx:    152193     9131580       0      0  15219      9      0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<128> eth0.tx:    135133     16756428       0     0   13513     15                                                                    
<128> eth0.rx:    135133     16756428       0     0   13513     15     0                                                                          
<128> eth3.tx:    135133     16756428       0     0   13513     15                                                                   
<128> eth3.rx:    135133     16756428       0     0   13513     15     0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<256> eth0.tx:    111220     28027312       0     0   11122     23                                                                   
<256> eth0.rx:    111220     28027312       0     0   11122     23     0                                                                          
<256> eth3.tx:    111220     28027312       0     0   11122     23                                                                   
<256> eth3.rx:    111220     28027312       0     0   11122     23     0                                                                           
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<512> eth0.tx:     76606     38915592       0     0    7660     32                                                                   
<512> eth0.rx:     76606     38915592       0     0    7660     32     0                                                                          
<512> eth3.tx:     76606     38915592       0     0    7660     32                                                                   
<512> eth3.rx:     76606     38915592       0     0    7660     32     0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<1024>eth0.tx:     49520     50509888       0     0    4952     40                                                                   
<1024>eth0.rx:     49520     50509888       0     0    4952     40     0                                                                          
<1024>eth3.tx:     49520     50509888       0     0    4952     40                                                                   
<1024>eth3.rx:     49520     50509888       0     0    4952     40     0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                     
<1518>eth0.tx:     35976     54467170       0     0    3597     43                                                                   
<1518>eth0.rx:     35976     54467170       0     0    3597     43     0                                                                          
<1518>eth3.tx:     35976     54467170       0     0    3597     43                                                                   
<1518>eth3.rx:     35976     54467170       0     0    3597     43     0                                                                          
  Interface  |  packets |   bytes   |dropped|errors|pks/sec|  Mbps                                                                    
<  64> eth0.tx:    152806     9169814       0      0  15280      9                                                                    
<  64> eth0.rx:    152806     9169814       0      0  15280      9      0                                                                          
<  64> eth3.tx:    152806     9169814       0      0  15280      9                                                                   
<  64> eth3.rx:    152806     9169814       0      0  15280      9      0                                                                          
Stopnetbt device.                 

        Network traffic test between inter                                       
        Network traffic test between internaland wan1: PASSED                                                              
        Network traffic test between internaland wan2: PASSED                                                             

Test Endat Thu Oct 25 01:39:22 2007                                   
ElapsedTime: 329 Seconds(5m29s).                                 

==============Fortinet Hardware Quick Inspection Report ==================

                    BIOS Integrity Check:      PASS
                        PCI Device Check:      FAIL
       System Configuration Verification:      PASS
                             Memory Test:      PASS
                                CPU Test:      PASS
                CPU/MEM Performance Test:      PASS
                                USB Test:      FAIL
                   FortiASIC Device Test:      FAIL
                                IDE Test:      PASS
                 Network Controller Test:      PASS

==============Fortinet Hardware Quick Inspection FAILED ==================

USB Testrequires loopback cables.
Failureon this test may be caused by bad cable or poor connection.
Checkwirings before taking further actions.

